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We are a Christ Centred, Spirit Empowered, Mission Focused movement of churches who are fulfilling the Great Commission.

Core to our calling as a family of churches is the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. We do this by partnering in global, international missions and supporting Alliance International Workers who are Gospel-focused on least reached people groups. 



Over 1.8 billion people haven't heard of Jesus.

Help us raise $500,000 to partner with church planting pastors in South Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, send humanitarian aid, and place international workers in these regions to make the name of Jesus known.

Alliance International Workers

Partners with the Central District
Mike and Nikki Howell

Mike and Nikki Howell

Rich and Elise Brown

Rich and Elise Brown

Current Alliance Projects

Connect with these IW's to find out more
Vietnamese Diaspora Outreach Fund

Vietnamese Diaspora Outreach Fund

Chinh and Lieu Truong

Chinh and Lieu Truong

Image by raihan n. aziz

Give to Alliance International Missions

Alliance International Workers count solely on the support of Alliance Churches for all of their needs. Thank you for giving to the work of the Gospel.


Give to International Workers


Alliance Global Advance Fund

Alliance Ministry Partner Fund

The Global Advance Fund (GAF) provides the funds for all International Worker (IW) compensation and basic support costs:


  • Salaries

  • Travel & visa expenses

  • IW’s children schooling

Partner directly with IWs to supply specific needs outside of the Global Advance Fund.


  • Specific ministry assignment expenses

  • Essential ministry travel expenses (vehicle purchase, mileage)

  • Language study


Give to People Groups & Projects

Annual Jaffray Campaign

Alliance International Projects

The Jaffray Offering is our annual missions focused campaign for raising funds for extending our reach where Jesus is not known. These funds are used to support the following efforts:


  • Designated unreached People Groups

  • New or developing ministries and projects

Most IWs have specific approved projects which you can donate to directly.

Examples in the Central District:


Giving Resources

Use these resources to communicate and plan your giving as a local church.

How can I
engage with our

Global Ministries

Discover how our international workers support our global mission engagement.

Envision Canada

Discover opportunities for you and your church to partner by visiting ministry sites around the world and experiencing cross-cultural ministry first-hand.

      •  Trips

      •  Gap year programs

      •  Emerging leader mentorship programs

Seamless Link

Seamless Link Covenants enable our local churches to partner with international workers and their missions worldwide, bridging the gap between the local church and the least-reached people groups.

Contact Ilana for Seamless Link development support.

New Ventures

Discover New Ventures through the Central District.

Learn more about International Missions

Got more questions about how you or your church can get involved in Global Missions? Reach out to Ilana Lobbezoo, our Missions Mobilizer and Youth Catalyst

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