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Partnering with God in Mexico City

Ilana Lobbezoo

June 11, 2024

Last month Shane & Linda Gould, Ilana and Rachel (Southside @ Milton) joined a few others on a trip to Mexico City for a short but full week visiting our Envision Canada team on the ground. The EnCausa Team, Ray and Cindy Perry and Dan and Jenica VanEssen, were our hosts and tour guides as we were privileged to have a window into what God is doing in Mexico City and through His people there. The purpose of the trip was to experience firsthand what this team has to offer our churches by way of missional engagement for teams and young adult interns. Our few days there provided the opportunity to experience some of what a visiting church team might participate in, and also provided a small peak into the life and activities of a 6 or 8 month internship experience.

We discovered a team that is passionate about the discipleship journey of each person who visits. We also discovered well thought out plans to engage teams and interns in partnership with local churches and believers, opportunities to understand culture and spirituality, and local believers who are open to going deeper and on mission with Jesus. What a privilege it was to pray with a local pastor over his church and neighbourhood, meet a young family willing to welcome an intern into their family life and activities, hear from a group of young people preparing to do a mission trip to Western Canada, and pray for the very first Mexican missionary family preparing to be sent to Germany by the Alliance Church in Mexico. It is clear that Christ’s Church is alive in that city but it is also clear that there is considerable darkness fostered by historical superstitions and a mixture of Roman Catholicism and pagan rituals and practices. John reminds us that:

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (Jn 1:5).

“Why should we consider visiting?” , you might be asking. Rachel from Southside Church in Milton says, “Mexico is an incredible country full of culture and beautiful people where we can experience [spiritual] growth while allowing God to challenge our faith to trust in what Jesus does in and through us to impact the world around us. This is a phenomenal opportunity to learn what God is doing outside of the North American culture.”

Diane, a youth pastor from B.C. is committed to leading her students there as she is convinced “it will be equally rewarding and stretching. While there is a need for the Gospel to be shared, you will also hear many inspiring stories that will stir up a passion for God.”

“Visiting our Canadian Alliance next gen. Envision Team in Mexico City was a great experience of seeing the Church in action and is a great next step for any local church considering a short-term trip or a potential ministry internship for someone considering international ministry -- you will be in good hands and will grow spiritually." – Shane Gould

How might God be inviting your church to partner with Him and the Envision team in Mexico City, coming alongside His people to shine Jesus’ light ever brighter? Are there students or a young adult in your church who would benefit from the opportunity to more intentionally explore and discern how God might be inviting them to partner with His work in the world? They are ready to receive us!

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